First Consultation with Member States for the development of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2026-2031

Member States consultation meeting

September 4, 2024 (PAHO) — Over 90 delegates from 40 countries and territories participated in the first consultation with Member States. The countries appreciated the inclusive and transparent process and committed to continue working with the Secretariat. They welcomed the clear and comprehensive presentations on the overview of the process, situation analysis, strategic objectives (SOs), and outcomes (OCMs).

The delegates welcomed the proposed SOs and OCMs, noting the higher-level strategic and integrated approach, which highlights PAHO’s added value. They also noted that the proposed SOs and outcomes were aligned with national health priorities and WHO’s GPW14.

The importance of aligning the Strategic Plan with existing regional and global mandates, to which Member States are already committed and taking action, was recognized. Additionally, the delegates highlighted the importance of regional solidarity and cooperation among Member States, along with the need to strengthen the capacity of Member States to act accordingly.