November 5, 2024 (PAHO) — Over 100 stakeholders, representing more than 70 institutions, attended the second information session for the development of the proposed PAHO Strategic Plan 2026-2031. The session marked a critical moment in the journey to develop the proposed plan, as there were several areas where feedback was required to advance to the next steps in the process.
Delegates welcomed the opportunity to continue participating and contributing to the Plan development process.
In addition to feedback on specific elements of the proposal presented by the Secretariat, the importance of empowering individuals through self-care and incorporation of health as a human right were stressed. Stakeholders also emphasized the role of PAHO/WHO collaborating centers and the need for active engagement and participation of communities through a two-way communication approach, for the successful achievement of results. Participants welcomed PAHO’s approach to incorporate equity in all dimensions.
The development process will culminate with the presentation of the final draft of the Proposed Plan at the 62nd PAHO Directing Council in September 2025, as outlined in the roadmap presented to the 61st PAHO Directing Council in September 2024 (CD61/INF/1).