Washington DC, 28 February 2020 (PAHO) - The Pan American Health Organization has published a report on the current social security situation and challenges in Central America and the Dominican Republic (in Spanish only: Seguridad social en Centroamérica y República Dominicana: situación actual y desafíos) in collaboration with the Council of Social Security Institutions of Central America and the Dominican Republic (CISSCAD, by its acronym in Spanish).
The report provides a general description of the main regimes currently in force in the social security systems and institutions of Central America and the Caribbean, conducts a comparative analysis of these regimes, and presents the regional social security challenges, together with the goals and indicators related to the 2018-2028 decade.
This document was the axis of the discussion developed in the framework of the First Meeting of Social Security Managers of CISSCAD, held in San José Costa Rica, in April 2017. Also, it served as the basis for the definition of the 2018-2028 strategic route, as an instrument of orientation for the development and growth of the subregion countries.
The CISSCAD is a technical, executive and specialized agency, assigned to the Central American Integration System (SICA in Spanish), which seeks to provide inter-institutional political and technical coordination support for the universalization and development of Social Security in the Central American region and the Dominican Republic.
Some of the actions carried out by CISSCAD include the definition and approval of the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, and the elaboration of the “Goals of the Decade in Social Security for Central America and the Dominican Republic, 2018-2028”. Also, the agency developed the Work Plan 2018-2028, which seeks to advance in the achievement of these goals.
The work of the CISSCAD member countries, and PAHO's participation through its Health Governance, Leadership, Policy and Planning Advisor, allowed the design, construction and presentation process of the strategic route.
As part of the joint work between PAHO and the member countries of CISSCAD, the Organization participated in the III Meeting of Social Security Managers of CISSCAD, in Guatemala City, from 5-7 February 2020.
The III Meeting of Managers sought to discuss the technical analysis and to search for solutions to common challenges among Social Security institutions in the region. Also, it served to define the operational model and the measurement and monitoring mechanisms to be used to monitor the progress of the countries.