PAHO develops O2prep, a key tool to optimize oxygen management in healthcare facilities

2 men and a woman in an office. A laptop screen showing the app O2prep login form

Washington, D.C., September 23, 2024 (PAHO). - With the aim of providing the countries of the Americas with a tool to optimize the projection of medical oxygen demand, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has developed the O2prep application with financial support from the Ford Foundation and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). This tool is intended to help new hospitals, those in the process of expansion or remodeling, Emergency Medical Teams, or any healthcare facility in managing medical oxygen by theoretically projecting the expected oxygen demand based on the number of beds in each use or specialty of the hospital or health facilities, as well as possible special uses resulting from a health emergency or typical morbidity of the country or region.

The O2prep application facilitates better management and planning of medical oxygen, which also helps reduce the risk of critical supply issues as occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By using this tool, health facilities and mobile hospitals can project medical oxygen consumption based on data such as the number of beds in each use or specialty of the hospital (e.g., operating room, adult ICU, pediatric hospitalization, etc.), as well as possible special uses derived from a health emergency, typical morbidity of the country or region, etc.

Additionally, O2prep facilitates informed decision-making by generating reports, which helps implement mitigation strategies in case of sudden increases in demand. All this through an easy-to-use interface accessible from desktop computers.

This oxygen demand calculation and projection tool is designed to complement oxygen consumption control measures based on variables such as the clinical situation of each patient, the medical equipment used for oxygen delivery, and other factors specific to hospital areas.

“We are very excited to present this key tool, which will help maximize the efficient use of medical oxygen in our health facilities, ensuring its distribution is effective and sustainable, especially in emergency situations,” said Luis de la Fuente, regional advisor for the Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) initiative at PAHO.

PAHO encourages those responsible and professionals involved in managing medical oxygen systems to use tools like O2prep and follow best practices in the rational and effective use of oxygen, as identified in this publication. These actions are essential to improve sustainability and quality in access to medical oxygen.

For more information about O2prep, you can access the application by completing your registration by clicking here or on the logo below.

2prep logo