PAHO Award for Administration 2010: Nominations Period Extended

PAHO Award for Administration 2010: Nominations Period Extended

PAHO Director Dr. Mirta Roses Periago invites PAHO Member Governments to submit nominations for the PAHO Award for Administration 2010. The Award is a recognition of an outstanding contribution in the field of administration within the framework of the national health services. Nominations will now be received until April 16, 2010.

Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness.
Zoroaster, c.628 B.C.

The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Mirta Roses Periago invites PAHO Member Governments to submit nominations for the PAHO Award for Administration 2010.

The Award is given every year by the Governments of the Americas in recognition of an outstanding contribution in the field of administration within the framework of the national health services. The Award is conferred on a candidate who has made a significant contribution in his or her home country and in the Region of the Americas, to improving health development through the management or execution of services and programs, teaching, and research.

The Award consists of a diploma and a cash prize of US$5,000. The winner is invited to travel to Washington, D.C., to receive the award during the 50th PAHO Directing Council Meeting; 62nd Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas on September 27, 2010. The closing date for receiving nominations have been extended until April 16, 2010 .

PAHO wish to invite the Member Governments to submit nominations for the Award.


For more information or questions about the Award, please contact Dr. Monica Bolis, Coordinator for the PAHO Award for Administration 2010.