International Youth Day: Young Haitians equipped for a healthier digital future

Groupe de jeunes suivant la formation
PAHO/WHO | David Lorens Mentor

Port-au-Prince, 21 August 2024 (PAHO) - To mark International Youth Day, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), has supported the Mairie of Tabarre in organizing a training session for young people on responsible digital engagement. The training is part of the regional Healthy Cities initiative and aims to prepare young people for a secure and responsible digital future.

"Every click can have repercussions"

Under the theme ‘From clicks to progress: Young people's digital journeys for sustainable development’, the day began with a welcome speech by Mrs Nice Simon, Mayor of Tabarre. "We are proud to see our young people taking a proactive approach to mastering digital tools while protecting their identity and health", she declared. Her speech was followed by that of Solange Saintvil, head of youth and adolescent health at the MSPP's Family Health Department, who spoke of the importance of health education in an increasingly interconnected world. She took the opportunity to salute this initiative on behalf of the MSPP and to thank the Marie of Tabarre.

An intervention by one of the young participants during the training course
An intervention by one of the young participants during the training course

Participants were able to explore the opportunities and risks of digital engagement, particularly for the mental health of young users. "We live in an age where every click can have repercussions, both positive and negative. Understanding this is essential if we are to build a safer future," said Roobens Louis, Digital Marketing Specialist and keynote speaker at the one-day event. He expressed his optimism about the benefits of this initiative: "Young people represent Haiti's digital future. Giving them the tools to safely navigate the online world while creating responsible content is essential to building a more resilient and informed society."

A healthy and inclusive digital future

For his part, the Director General of the Tabarre Town Hall, Mr. Emmanuel Mondésir, emphasized: “By offering them this training, we are investing not only in the future of these young people, but also in their mental well-being in the age of technology and social networks. A trained, informed and mentally resilient youth is the key to a fulfilled community and sustainable development.”

Speech by the Mayor of Tabarre, Nice Simon
Speech by the Mayor of Tabarre, Nice Simon

This activity was organized as part of the “Healthy Cities” Regional Initiative, of which the Mayor of Tabarre is a member of the executive committee, which is part of a broader vision of cities where young people play a central role in building a healthy and inclusive digital future. By equipping them with the skills they need to navigate the digital world with discernment, they can easily meet tomorrow's challenges and build healthier, more resilient communities.