World Consumers' Rights Day 2019

Since March 15, 1983, World Consumer Rights Day has been celebrated to promote the fundamental rights of all consumers. Two years later, in 1985, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the guidelines for consumers’ protection. World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated each year by emphasizing that the acknowledgement and protection of consumer rights is an important indicator of social and economic progress.

Modern society is defined and characterized as a "consumer society," with activities that are present throughout the life course: purchasing all kinds of products and services during pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. It is because of this, that safe and healthy consumption rises as an additional human right within the set of economic, social and cultural human rights, as well as the political rights and fundamental liberties of consumers, thus protecting their health.

Within the context of the social determinants of health and SDG 12, safe and healthy consumer practices have high importance when they contribute to: 1) Development of individual healthy lifestyles that are elements of economic and social integration transferring investments to provide consumers with general wellbeing (healthy nutrition, education, clothing, transportation, exercise and leisure time, etc.); and 2) Productivity and sustainable development without damaging the environment or consumers’ health, and contributing to increase wellbeing and quality of life for all Member States of the Region

Recognizing the need to protect and safeguard consumers’ health, The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) joined once again the celebration of World Consumer Rights Day in 2019, for which we were able to join efforts with our partners at the OAS, the Consumer Safety and Health Network (CSHN), and Member States.