Site visit to Richmond Home for the Elderly and the Central Medical Stores in Grenada being retrofitted as part of the Smart Health Care Facilities in the Caribbean Project

Site visit smart facilities in Grenada

Bridgetown, Barbados, 18 March 2021 (PAHO) - On 9th February 2021 Contractor Kee-Chanona / Sonrise JV started the retrofitting works at Richmond Home for the Elderly and the Central Medical Stores in Grenada as part of the Smart Hospital project.  Both critical healthcare facilities will be strengthened to meet present and future risks caused by disasters and climate change so they can continue to provide vital services and patients and staff are protected.

The upgrade of Richmond Home for the elderly is expected to take 10 months and Central Medical Stores 8 months.

The scope of works includes the installation of hurricane resistant roofs, windows and doors, solar panels, and rainwater harvesting systems. Richmond Home will also undergo a full repair of the deteriorated reinforced concrete structure which poses imminent danger to the residents and improved sanitation with the construction of a fully functional sewerage treatment system. It will further provide specific improvements to accessibility and washroom facilities designed for the elderly. The Central Medical Stores will also have a full upgrade to the HVAC system to keep stores medicines and supplies at the safe storage temperate and improved fire safety.

Both retrofits will provide more efficient cooling, lighting and ventilation aimed at lowering the operating expenditures and environmental footprints of these facilities.

On Thursday 11th March 2021 the Resident British Commissioner in Grenada, Wendy Freeman, the Hon. Minister Nickolas Steele, Minister of Health and Social Security and the Hon. Minister Delma Thomas, Minister in the Ministry of Health and Social Security, with responsibility for Hospital Services and Community Health Services visited the facilities with MoH and PAHO officials to witness the progress of the works.

Wendy Freeman, Resident British Commissioner in Grenada, told the participants: “I am delighted to be here for the start of upgrades to these two critical health facilities - the final two of five facilities selected for retrofitting with UK grant funds which will be instrumental in supporting the country’s efforts to reduce disaster vulnerability of vital public buildings and boost its climate resilience”.

Dr. Yitades Gebre, PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Countries added from his office in Barbados: “I am pleased to see that the works at these facilities commenced and I would like to highlight the importance of Smart standards that is promoted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), including the safety and energy efficiency, green, aspects which are essential for the continued operations of the facilities during crises and emergencies to protect the lives of elderly people, staff and vital medical supplies.

The £43.8m Strengthening Health Facilities in the Caribbean (Smart Hospital) project is currently implemented in 7 countries: Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Belize, Guyana and Jamaica. The project is funded by UKaid and implemented by PAHO in close collaboration with the Ministries of Health. Five health facilities are being upgraded in Grenada- Princes Alice is already completed and the two in Carriacou will be completed by April 2021.