Peru celebrates 20 years of World Blood Donor Day: thank you, blood donors!

Presentación artística por el Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre en Perú
PAHO/Raúl Cartajena

Lima, 15 June 2024 (PAHO/WHO).- This year Peru hosted World Blood Donor Day for the Americas. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), together with various institutions and sectors, celebrated the twentieth edition of this significant date with activities that underscored the importance of the voluntary act that saves lives.

Commemorative ceremony

The inaugural ceremony, held at the Instituto Nacional del Niño San Borja (INSNSB), was a crucial event to highlight the achievements and challenges surrounding voluntary blood donation in 2024. Among the authorities present were Dr. Maureen Birmingham, PAHO/WHO representative in Peru; Dr. Zulema Tomás, general director of the INSNSB; Dr. Nancy Zerpa, advisor to the vice-ministerial office of Public Health; and Dr. Juan Antonio Almeyda Alcántara, General Director of Donations, Transplants and Blood Bank (DIGDOT) of the Minsa.

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, Director of PAHO, sent a special greeting highlighting the regional collaboration in this common effort. “On this day we encourage Peru, this year's host, and all countries in the region, to continue working to ensure universal access to blood derivatives, blood units, safe and sufficient components,” he mentioned.

Saludo del Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, director de la OPS/OMS
PAHO/Raúl Cartajena || Greetings from Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO Director.

During the event, outstanding institutions were recognized for their commitment to the promotion of voluntary blood donation and the altruism of outstanding donors. Among them, Eloy Cardenas, who has registered more than fifty donations to date, including blood, platelets and plasma, contributions that have made it possible to preserve many lives.

Dr. Almeyda said: “On this date, Minsa calls for action, especially to young people to be part of this cause of life as voluntary donation, because every drop counts and together we can make a difference”.

Dr. Birmingham, PAHO representative in Peru, closed the event by calling on all sectors to encourage voluntary donation, to join efforts to protect donors against exploitation and forms of economic benefits related to donation, as well as to ensure their health and safety.

This celebration culminated with an artistic presentation with live music that sought to mobilize the messages of gratitude to blood donors and strengthen the commitment of the authorities with the promotion efforts of this act in the framework of the world day, as well as the national campaign of the Minsa “Love, donate, live: saving lives is in your veins”.

Autoridades y asistentes al evento de celebración
PAHO/Raúl Cartajena || Authorities and attendees of the celebration event.

Seminar on experiences in voluntary blood donation and organization of blood services in the health system.

A day earlier, on June 13, and also as part of the celebrations for this important date, Minsa and PAHO, with support from the Andean Regional Health Organization (ORAS-CONHU), held a hybrid seminar that provided a space for the exchange of experiences and best practices between international and national experts in the field of hematology and blood donation. In the first session, various strategies to encourage voluntary blood donation were discussed, with outstanding presentations by professionals from Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Uruguay, among other Latin American countries.

The second session, focused on the organization of blood services, explored successful models of management and centralization of services in health systems in Brazil, Paraguay and Japan, among others. International collaboration was a recurring theme, highlighting the importance of cooperation between countries to ensure equitable and safe access to blood products.

Throughout the academic event, discussions focused on innovation and adaptation to contemporary challenges, such as the use of social networks and centralization of processes, emphasizing the need to maintain quality and safety standards in blood management.

Autoridades presentes en el evento
PAHO/ Luz Rospigliosi || From left to right: Dr. María Del Carmen Calle, executive secretary of ORAS-CONHU; Dr. Juan Almeyda, general director of DIGDOT (Minsa); and Dr. Mauricio Beltrán, PAHO/WHO Regional Advisor for Blood and Transplant Services.
Face-to-face seminar attendees
PAHO/Luz Rospigliosi || In-person seminar attendees.

Next Steps

PAHO reaffirms its commitment to continue working with member countries to strengthen blood donation systems, promoting policies and practices that facilitate voluntary donation and efficient management of blood services throughout the region. On this 20th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day, we celebrate the progress made and renew our commitment to continue saving lives through voluntary blood donation