As the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), I welcome the External Evaluation Report of PAHO’s Response to COVID-19. This important document reaffirms our unwavering commitment to accountability, transparency, desire for improvement and continuous learning.
This first external evaluation of the COVID-19 response among all World Health Organization (WHO) regions symbolizes a significant milestone for PAHO and the global public health community. The endeavor reflects PAHO’s steadfast dedication to learning from major public health emergency responses, with a view to better prepare the Organization for the future.
PAHO is in the process of translating the recommendations within the report into effective and sustainable strategies and actions, in line with our mandate to support countries in the Region of the Americas. For this purpose, we have established a dedicated Task Force Team that includes staff from across the Organization to take the recommendations forward.
The decision to implement the report’s recommendations underscores PAHO’s commitment to placing health at the forefront of the development agenda across the Americas. This shared venture will not merely allow us to respond to health crises more effectively, but also enhance our ability to anticipate challenges, innovate, plan, and lead with staunch resolve and resilience.