El Salvador - Forum on "Depression and Mental Health"


As part of the commemoration of World Health Day, the Ministry of Health (MINSAL), the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS), and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) organized a Forum on "Depression and Mental Health".

The Minister of Health, Dr. Violeta Menjívar, said that in El Salvador anxiety, depression, alcoholism and suicide are the mental disorders with the highest prevalence. She expressed her appreciation to WHO for having focused its attention on this priority public health issue, since depression can be prevented. For those who have symptoms of depression, WHO's most important message is that they should tell their families or the people they trust, and not be afraid to express it.

According to data from MINSAL, the national rate registers 102 cases of depression per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest rates corresponding to the departments of Santa Ana, San Salvador and San Miguel. The lowest rates are observed in La Unión, La Libertad, La Paz and Ahuachapán. The most affected age groups are those from 15 to 19, 3,965 cases; from 25 to 59, 16,541 cases; and 60 years or more, 5,320 cases.

Finally, as part of the self-care talks scheduled for PAHO's office staff, a presentation on the subject was given on Friday, April 7.