PAHO launches eCBB, a new application for newborn care


Montevideo/ Washington DC, February 14, 2022 (CLAP/PAHO)- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), through its Latin American Center for Perinatology (CLAP) presented eCBB, a free mobile application with information to improve newborn care.

The app can be downloaded on Google Play and Apple Store and is part of PAHO's 28 Days, Time to Care and Love Campaign and is aimed at parents, families, and health personnel. 

"Quality care is built on having evidence-based information and the participation of mothers, fathers, families and caregivers. The eCBB application was designed to contribute to these objectives by facilitating access to useful and quality this content”, explains Pablo Durán, PAHO's regional advisor on perinatal health.

The eCBB information is divided into six broad categories, ranging from frequently asked questions, with the main concerns of newborn caregivers, to topics such as breastfeeding, infant care, hygiene, health promotion, growth, and development.

The new app is also expected to contribute to the health and survival of newborns during the first 28 days of life, a crucial time in people' s life.

Neonatal mortality is the main component of infant mortality; Approximately 50% of deaths in the first year of life occur in the early neonatal period and the main causes are due to complications of prematurity, congenital defects, perinatal asphyxia, sepsis, and infections.

Good practices of care, along with universal access to timely and quality care for mothers and newborns, can reduce neonatal mortality.