Washington DC, July 10, 2024 - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada (GAC), conducted a study to identify and analyze the role of nurses in the development and implementation of public policies and the provision of health services to adolescents in Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, and Peru.
In Latin America, interventions aimed at adolescent health suffer from a lack of investment and sustainability. Nurses, as integral parts of health services and systems, can lead the implementation and development of public health policies to improve adolescent health.
During the study, 66 documents were analyzed, 429 nurses were surveyed, and 39 key stakeholders in leadership positions participated in focus groups. The main findings include:
• Nurses play a fundamental role, participating in various stages of the policy implementation process, although they are less involved in the development of public health policies targeting adolescents.
• For greater effectiveness of programs aimed at adolescents, policymakers should consider reviewing budgets, resource management, and inputs to ensure compliance.
• The need to implement sustainable and intersectoral programs and policies is highlighted, particularly actions that integrate health services with schools, especially at the primary health level, with the involvement of adolescents, families, and the community.
This research provides useful information for policymakers, decision-makers, representatives of universities, professional associations, health services, and other stakeholders.
The full articles are available at the following links:
- The role of nurses in implementation of public policy on adolescent health in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-024-01134-6
- El papel de los profesionales de enfermería en el desarrollo y atención de la salud adolescente en Honduras (available in Spanish): https://doi.org/10.26633/RPSP.2024.25