NCDs and COVID-19


People with underlying health conditions, such as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, have a higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease, and more likely to die from COVID-19. Risk factors for NCDs can make people more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with COVID-19. For example, smokers may have reduced lung capacity which would greatly increase risk of serious illness.
Informing populations about these health risks posed by COVID-19 is critical. In addition, health services need to be adapted to maintain essential NCD services to ensure continuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information and guidance are presented in this page to enable health providers and the public to be informed about COVID-19 and NCDs. While acting on the immediate task, we need to redouble our efforts to effectively address NCDs and their risk factors with a medium to long term vision.
The web is divided in sections, scroll down to see tools, resources for health managers and healthcare professional, resources for the public and communication materials. Sections on News, Stories  and Events follows. Finnally, a collection of technical publications and documents is available at the end of the page, as well as another of communication materials. Use the "more" button to expand them.

NCDs in the Region of the Americas: celebrating PAHO’s 120 years

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Featured Events

The Power of Prevention: Lessons Learned from NCDs and COVID-19

Panel hosted by WHO and Bloomberg Philanthropies on 21 May, 2022, as a side event ahead of the 75th World Health Assembly. This panel highlights that there has never been a better – or more important – time to invest in NCD prevention and control and implement the policies that work.

Panel members: 

  • Dr Kelly Henning, Head of Public Health Programming, Bloomberg Philanthropies 
  • Dr John-Arne Røttingen, Ambassador for Global Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 
  • Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, COVID-19 Technical Lead World Health Organization



Noncommunicable Diseases in the Era of COVID-19 and Building Back Stronger NCD Programs

Noncommunicable Diseases in the Era of COVID-19 and Building Back Stronger NCD Programs



First publication of a series of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) policy briefs are being prepared on a range of topics on NCD prevention and control, in order to synthesize and disseminate the latest evidence, PAHO/WHO recommendations, and considerations to strengthen NCD policies, services, and surveillance.

The current context of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, and post pandemic period of building more resilient health systems and supporting digital transformations in health, is taken into account. This policy brief is the first issue in the series and focuses on the current situation with NCDs, impact of COVID-19, and suggestions for improving NCD prevention and control, based on the WHO Best Buys.



* More publications on the "Technical and Scientific Products" section at the bottom of the page.



Fact-sheets: What do I need to know about COVID-19
if I have a noncommunicable disease? 


Diabetes & COVID-19

WHO´s Science in 5 on COVID-19

(16 July 2021)


Ask the Expert: What health care providers and patients need to know about COVID-19 and NCDs

(2 July 2020) 

Ask the Expert: Tobacco Use and COVID-19

(7 August 2020)




Regional Stories

Country Stories



Communications Materials

Mandates and Strategies