Information Systems and Digital Health

Information Systems for Health—or IS4H—is a mechanism for managing interoperable systems with open data that comes from different sources and that is ethically used, through effective information and communication technology tools, to generate strategic information for the benefit of public health. Through the IS4H project, PAHO aims to implement a better decision and policy-making mechanism through health systems that ensure universal, free and timely access to data and strategic information using the most cost-effective ICT tools available.

IS4H is based on eight guiding principles:

Universal Connectivity

Digital Goods

Inclusive digital Health


Human Rights

Artificial Intelligence

Information Security

Public Health Architecture


Lessons learned in the implementation of telemedicine projects and digital certificates from COVID-19

Image showing some of the steps of the IS4H Maturity ModelThe adoption of digital technologies in the health sector continues to accelerate in the Americas and the Caribbean. And millions of people benefit from this advancement. These were the main conclusions of the Regional Event on Digital Transformation in the Health Sector held by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in Panama City, between November 14 and 16, 2022. Read More


The IS4H digital transformation toolkit was created with the aim of offering managerial, technical, knowledge, communication, and academic resources to all those health professionals, decision-makers, and institutions dedicated to strengthening health information systems, with the vision of achieving universal access to health and universal health coverage in the Region through access to good quality data, strategic information, and digital health tools for decision-making and well-being.

See the full Toolkit


Stories from the countries of the Americas on projects related to IS4H

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Podcasts on themes related to Information Systems for Health

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Webinars conducted by PAHO on Information Systems

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Photos from all over the region of the Americas

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Implementing universal access to health and universal health coverage in the region will be strengthened through interconnected and interoperable health-related information systems that assure effective and efficient access to quality data, strategic information and ICT tools for decision making and wellbeing.


To implement a better decision and policy making mechanism through health-related information systems that ensure universal, free and timely access to data and strategic information using the most cost-effective ICT tools.


The strategic goals of IS4H focus on data management and information technologies; management and governance; innovation and performance; and knowledge management and sharing. Download the framework.


To ensure a successful IS4H implementation, it is important—among other things—to measure the level of maturity of your information systems, and to define the HR skills and the ICT infrastructure needed. Download the blueprint.


The Information Systems for Health Maturity Assessment Tool (IS4H-MM) describes the method, tool and questions for assessing organizational capacity related to governance, data management, digital transformation, innovation and knowledge management. The IS4H-MM is part of the IS4H Blueprint for a successful implementation , and is organized according to the 4 strategic goals of the IS4H conceptual Framework.

The IS4H-MM is also a reference framework guiding Information Systems for Health to keep walking through the changing path of information and knowledge revolution, and how countries and organizations might grow in capabilities to operate, interact and benefit from them. 
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Image showing some of the steps of the IS4H Maturity Model


Photo from one of the IS4H workshops in Suriname


Suriname's Ministry of Health requested technical support from PAHO/WHO to conduct a rapid assessment of the country's national information systems for health (IS4H) as the basis for developing short and medium-term work plans.

Photo from High Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H) - South American Region

South America

Within the framework of the Health Information Systems Initiative (IS4H) developed by PAHO/WHO, the Information Systems and Platforms for Health (IS) Unit has convened all the countries of South America to a high level meeting on the initiative. It happened on 18-19 July 2018, in Bogotá, Colombia.

Download Report (Spanish)

Photo from High Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H) - Central American Region

Central America

Representatives from Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic met at the PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C. to discuss the development of electronic governance initiatives, open data solutions and large-scale data, among other topics in the framework of IS4H.

Download Report (Spanish)

Photo from one of the IS4H workshops in the Virgin Islands

Virgin Islands

With technical assistance from PAHO, BVI's Ministry of Health conducted workshops for key stakeholders to strengthen the country's National Information Systems for Health and help integrate Public Health in the eGovernment initiative, as well as to apply the IS4H Maturity Model tool in the BVI.

Photo from one of the IS4H meetings in Jamaica


A High-Level Meeting on Information Systems for Health (IS4H), convened by PAHO/WHO and Jamaica's Ministry of Health had participants from 16 Caribbean countries, regional and international agencies, and international development partners.

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