Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official    Severe Weather    Colombia (Update)   On 15 March, the Colombia National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD per its acronym in Spanish) reported the start of the 2022 Rainy Season. Between 1 January and 15 March 197 events related to the weather season were reported in 147 municipalities of 19…
Official   Severe Weather   Peru   On 14 March, the Peru National Civil Defense Institute (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish) reported response actions after heavy rains in Caylloma on 11 March are ongoing. The areas of Pachachaca, Cauca, Huarasayco, Janansaya I, Janansaya II, Capilla Colipa, Condorani, Yapa, Yanahuara, and…
Official   Severe Weather   Ecuador  On 11 March, the Ecuador National Risk and Emergency Management Service (SNGRE per its acronym in Spanish), reported the overflow of the Clementina River in the municipality of Babahoyo. According to the municipality of Babahoyo official twitter account the flooding affected 250 families from…
Severe Weather     Guatemala (Update)   On 10 March, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) reported an update to the effects of the cold weather season in the country. Between 9-10 March, 62 people were sheltered in cold weather centers in the departments of…
Unofficial    Severe Weather   Colombia (Update)   On 10 March, according to a media report, due to continued rainfall in Urabá, Antioquia the overflow fo the Murindó and Apartadó rivers have completely isolated a community of 3,000 people and directly affected 190 residents. In addition, five indigenous communities with a…
Official   Severe Weather   Peru   On 9 March, the Peru National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI per its acronym in Spanish) reported heavy rains in the district of Huancano in Pisco, Ica that affected 90 people. The District Municipality of Huancano delivered humanitarian aid and provided shelter for the affected population…
Official   Severe Weather   Ecuador   On 7 March, the Ecuador National Service for Risk and Emergency Management (SNGRE per its acronym in Spanish) reported there were 61 events related to severe weather were reported in 27 cantons of 11 provinces in the country between 4-6 March. The most affected provinces were El Oro, Loja,…
Severe Weather     Peru (Update)   On 4 March 2022, according to the Peru National Emergency Operations Center and National Institute of Civil Defense (COEN INDECI per the acronym in Spanish), overflow of the Chamaya River due to heavy rains reported in the Tumi sector, Jaén Province, Cajamarca Department, caused flooding,…
Official Severe Weather   Guatemala (Update)   On 2 March, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED per its acronym in Spanish) reported that due to rains and strong winds associated with the cold-weather season, 155 incidents have been reported. In total, 104,758 people were affected, 5,021 people…