Outbreak Investigation Training Toolkit




The guidance and materials provided in this toolkit are intended to support Member States in training national and local personnel from public health institutions and other sectors mandated to detect and respond to events with potential impact on human health. Likewise, to contribute to the improvement of protocols and procedures for outbreak investigation.

This document is based on the outbreak investigation training experience of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in the Region of the Americas. These materials should be adapted to the situation of each Member State, its needs, current capacity and available resources. Although most of the materials offered here relate to the investigation of and response to public health events of infectious origin, the same principles and methods can also be applied to other types of risk.

Request access to the complete toolkit

In order to maintain the originality and integrity of the training material, case studies and evaluation tests will only be available upon request from interested institutions to ensure a complete and adequate evaluation of the training process. 

To request the complete material, please send an email to eoc@paho.org with the subject "Outbreak Investigation Toolkit". Please remember to include the name of your institution, country and contact.





Contents and Manual

Available in Portuguese: Índice and Guia



Available in Portuguese: Conteúdo Programático


The course presents a practical methodology for detecting and investigating infectious disease outbreaks. Participants will analyze the steps involved in such investigations, as well as the application of study designs and quantitative methods used in outbreak situations in the Region of the Americas. The theoretical information provided will be put into practice through case studies to be analyzed by the participants. The training concludes with an oral presentation of the case study report. 

Program +

P01: Introduction 
P02: Identifying an outbreak and investigation steps 

Case studies – Session 1

P03: Chain of transmission  
P04: Defining a case  Exam 1 
P05: Epidemic curves 
P06: Planning a field investigation  

Case studies - Session 2 

P07: Epidemiological studies  
P08: Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI) 

Exam 2 

P09: Collection and handling of human samples 
P10: Laboratory tests  
P11: Collection and handling of environmental samples 

Case studies - Session 3 

P12: Role of vectors in disease transmission  
Exam 3 

P13:  Reservoir studies 
P14: Contingency tables and measures of association 

Case studies - Session 4 

P15: Control and response measures 
P16: Safety, occupational health, and biosecurity in the field 

Exam 4 and final exam 

P17: Outbreak study report 
P18: Interacting with the media 

Case studies - Session 5 
Case studies - Session 6  

Case Study Presentations 
Closing session 

*Training agenda can be found at


Estimated Duration +

40 hours

Methodology +

The methodology comprises lectures, group work and case studies, additional readings, final outbreak report and oral presentation.

Skills +

By the end of the training, the participants should have acquire the necessary skills  to detect and investigate infectious disease outbreaks.

Case Studies


Case Study 1: Gastrointestinal Syndrome

Case 1 with answers 🔐

Case 1 without answers 🔐


Case Study 2: Febrile Syndrome

Case 2 with answers 🔐

Case 2 without answers 🔐


Case Study 3: Respiratory Syndrome

Case 3 with answers 🔐

Case 3 without answers 🔐


Oral Presentation and Report Templates 🔐

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Exams 🔐
The material includes examples of a pretest and four exams, including the final evaluation. Trainers will receive the answers to these exams to assist in this process and may modify the material as needed. The exams will cover mastery of key concepts and definitions, as well as understanding of additional readings, presenting open-ended questions for efficient correction on the same day.


Pre-test: with and without the answers
Exam 1: with and without the answers
Exam 2: with and without the answers
Exam 3: with and without the answers
Exam 4: with and without the answers

accreditation icon

Evaluation and Accreditation 🔐
The kit provides resources to evaluate participants before and after the course to measure the impact of the training. It includes a survey template for evaluating face-to-face training components such as lectures, case studies and overall course evaluation. In addition, the kit provides a certificate template for recognition of participant completion.


Initial participant survey 
Satisfaction survey 
Participant folllow-up survey 
Certificate template

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Other resources for trainers 🔐
También se proporcionan recursos esenciales para ayudar en cada etapa de la capacitación. Cubriendo presupuestos, registro e informes finales, estos materiales presentan plantillas diseñadas para simplificar el proceso de preparación y planificación.


Budget template 
Registration form template 
Final report template 
Draft agenda 
Proposed planning