- To strengthen the understanding of basic concepts, principles, and methodologies of genomic sequencing;
- To provide countries with frameworks and tools to conduct bioinformatic analysis with sequencing data and integrate it with national surveillance;
- To understand the use of genomic sequencing data for public health response.
Session 1 - Introduction to Genomic Epidemiology
Concepts and Methods of Genomic Epidemiology - Dr. Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon, Researcher, Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology National Food Institute (DTU Food), Denmark.
Applications of Bioinformatics in the Real-Time Molecular Surveillance of Viral Pathogens - Dr. Niema Moshiri, Assistant Teaching Professor Computer Science & Engineering University of California, San Diego
Field deployment of sequencing technology -practical considerations and solutions - Dr. Ian Goodfellow, Department of Pathology, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
Session 2 - Operationalization and Integration of Genomic Data Into National Surveillance
Objectives of genomic data in enhancing surveillance activities - Dr. Jairo Mendez, Advisor, Infectious Hazard Management Unit at PAHO/WHO.
Genomic surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Shigella sonnei in Belgium 2013-2019 - Dr. Natalie Fischer, Scienso, National Public Health Institute, Belgium
Large scale genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK: challenges and lessons learned - Dr. Cristina Ariani, Wellcome Sanger Institute, England, UK
Session 3 -
Session 4 -