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Clinic of poliomyelitis: Challenges to diagnosis
Martha I. Alvarez. MD, MPH
Medical Leader, Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Fundación Cardioinfantil IC-LaCardio
Director, Specialization in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Universidad El Bosque.
Lecturer: Universities El Bosque, Rosario, Sabana, FUCS, UCF-USA
AFP Surveillance in the 21st Century
Gloria Rey, Regional Advisor
Special Program Comprehensive Immunization (CIM) - PAHO
May 25, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Washington D.C. time)
To improve detection, management, and follow-up of AFP cases, with timely notification to national authorities, in the context of the polio emergency in the Americas. Participants: Health professionals, from all levels of care.
Opening remarks, Dr Daniel Salas
Introduction and objectives of the webinar, Dr Pilar Ramón-Pardo
Current context. Surveillance of AFP in the 21st century, Gloria Rey
Poliomyelitis clinic: challenges for diagnosis, Dr Martha I. Alvarez
Post-acute neurological evaluation of AFP, Dr. Carlos A. Pardo Villamizar
Questions and answers
Conclusions, Dr Pilar Ramón-Pardo