Technology Transfer for the Production of mRNA Vaccines in the Americas

Technology Transfer for the Production of mRNA Vaccines in the Americas
Technology Transfer for the Production of mRNA Vaccines in the Americas

Side event. 

59th DIRECTING COUNCIL 73rd Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas

WHAT: Technology Transfer for the Production of mRNA Vaccines in the Americas

WHEN: 21 September 2021 -  1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.  (EDT)



PAHO as the Regional Coordinator of the Technology Transfer initiative for the development of mRNA vaccines will announce the decision on selected recipients and regional projects to develop mRNA vaccines; establish a consortium of countries and manufacturers that will work collectively around the mRNA technology.


Moderator: James Fitzgerald, Director, Health Systems and Services, PAHO/WHO

  • Opening remarks. Carissa F. Etienne. Director, PAHO/WHO

  • International financing for vaccine product development. Ferdinando Regalia. Division Chief, Social Protection and Health Division, IDB

  • Announcement of selected regional initiatives for mRNA vaccine development in the Americas S. Soumya Swaminathan. Chief Scientist, WHO; Jarbas Barbosa. Assistant Director, PAHO/WHO

  • Regional commitmentsMOH from selected countries

    • Carla Vizzoti, Ministra de Salud de la Nación.  Argentina

    • Marcelo Queiroga, Ministro de Estado da Saúde. Brazil

  • Discussion. Delegates of the 59th PAHO Directing Council

  • Closure. Carissa F. Etienne. Director, PAHO/WHO

Video recording - English audio

Video recording - Floor audio