Communities empowered against AMR in the context of COVID-19
During four days in November and as part of the WAAW 2021 activities in the Americas, a virtual regional dialogue between civil society members NGOs, academics, and government, as well as representatives of international organizations, took place to discuss the importance of empowering communities to ensure that they play a central role in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) within a multisectoral One Health approach.
This dialogue of diverse actors sought to capture, share, and learn from different communities’ experience with addressing the pandemic and glean relevant lessons for how to better engage communities and enable active participation to address AMR. PAHO in collaboration with ReAct Latin America and the Florida International University convened more than 53 institutions and 1200 participants from 43 countries.
The dialogue closed with a declaration from all signatory participants recognizing the depth of the AMR problem, and the need to learn from and empower communities to actively share their knowledge and practices to work together to tackle AMR. Specifically, the declaration requested that governments take specific steps to promote active community involvement in One Health and use the process of development and implementation of intersectoral National AMR Action Plans to strengthen community contributions and engagement and take stock of and share lessons about successful examples of community practice – from health systems and from research centers - at the local and national levels.
You can read the event declaration from: https://comunidadesempoderadas.reactlat.org
Past events recordings: