PANCAP - PAHO webinar series: WHO Updated HIV treatment guidelines: A focus on DTG as first-line therapy

PANCAP - PAHO webinar series: WHO Updated HIV treatment guidelines: A focus on DTG as first-line therapy
PANCAP - PAHO webinar series: WHO Updated HIV tretament guidelines: A focus on DTG as first-line therapy

The PANCAP Coordinating Unit invites you to participate in a webinar on “World Health Organisation (WHO) updated HIV Treatment Guidelines: A focus on dolutegravir (DTG) as first-line therapy”.

The webinar will be held on Friday, 20 August 2021, during the following times:
Belmopan, Belize 09:00 CST
Eastern Time, ET 11:00 EDT
Georgetown, Guyana 11:00 GYT
Kingston, Jamaica 10:00 EST
Suriname Time, SRT 12:00 SRT
🔗 Register for the webinar here 👉

HIV event