PAHO/WHO through BIREME/EIH, invites you to participate online in the launch of the new DeCS portal in celebration of its 34 years.
DeCS is the most important controlled vocabulary for indexing and retrieval of published scientific and technical health literature in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
Friday, September 18, 2020
11:30 am (Brasília Time)
Virtual link for English event
DeCS, the controlled and multilingual health vocabulary, turns 34 and to celebrate its anniversary, it launches a new portal with its terminology organized hierarchically and by concepts, and focused on the SDG3 goal (Health and Well-being) of the 2030 Agenda.
An Acronym in Portuguese for Health Sciences Descriptors, DeCS is contextualized to the LA&C region with exclusive categories added by BIREME/PAHO/WHO.
DeCS is an extended translation of the MeSH - Medical Subject Headings - of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
It organizes almost 600,000 terms, 99,800 conceptual definitions and 40,700 notes for indexers, among other standardized data.
DeCS is kept updated by a network made up of four health institutions coordinated by BIREME/PAHO/WHO.
From 11:30 am to 12:30 am (Brasília time)
- Welcome remarks. Dr. Diego Gonzales, Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information, BIREME/PAHO/WHO
- Official launch of the new DeCS platform. Dr. Jarbas Barbosa. Assistant Director of PAHO/WHO
- The importance of DeCS in Latin America and the Caribbean. Renato Murasaki, Methodologies and Information Technology Manager, BIREME/PAHO/WHO
- Presentation of the new DeCS portal. Dr. Ana Cristina Espindola Campos, Information Analyst, BIREME/PAHO/WHO
- Suggestions and questions
- Closure. Dr. Sebastián García, Director Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health Department, PAHO/WHO.
Time correspondence
- 7:30 am - Los Angeles
- 8:30 am - San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 9:30 am - Bogotá, Lima, Mexico City, Quito, Kingston
- 10:30 am - Bridgetown, La Paz, Sto. Domingo, Santiago de Chile
- 11:30 am - Brasília, Buenos Aires