Webinar / Genomics in Public Health: Technology Assessment

Webinar / Genomics in Public Health: Technology Assessment
Genomics in Public Health: Technology Assessment

Virtual seminar series on human genomics for health

The Science and Knowledge for Impact Unit (SK/EIH) and the Access to Medicines and Health Technologies Unit (AH/IMT) of PAHO invite you to participate in this series of seminars on exploring key topics related to human genomics for health. 

This third session will focus on the challenges and opportunities of incorporating genomic technological innovations into health systems.

Monday, March 31, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (Washington DC time)

Translation will be available in Spanish and English.


 Preliminary Agenda

Opening Session (20 min.)

-Ludovic Reveiz, Science and Knowledge for Impact Unit, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (EIH) Department (PAHO)

-Alexandre Lemgruber, Access to Medicines and Health Technologies Unit, Innovation, Access to Medicines and Health Technologies (IMT) Department (PAHO)

Genomic technologies: the value and cost-effectiveness (15 min.)

Ilias Goranitis 

• Head of Economics of Genomics and Precision Medicine Unit. University of Melbourne, Australia.

Incorporation of genomic technologies for rare diseases in a public health system (15 min.)

Ida Schwartz

• President of the Brazilian Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics, Brazil.

Next-generation sequencing in oncology: challenges in economic evaluations (15 min.)

Dean Regier

• Senior Scientist within Cancer Control Research. BC Cancer, Vancouver, Canada.

Discusión (Q&A) (25 min.)


-Vania Cristina Canuto Santos, Technical Officer, Development of Research and Production Ecosystems for Health Technologies of PAHO.

-Gabriela Repetto, Member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Genomics (TAG-G).