When: May 10th, 2022 / 10:00am – 11:30am EST
PAHO invites you to be part of this global campaign and to participate in the regional launch of the Global Report on Ageism aiming to further engage the America’s in the fight against ageism.
The striking increase in life expectancy and population aging claims for the development of appropriate responses to aging and multigenerational societies in the Region of the Americas. Ageism, which refers to the stereotypes(how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) directed towards others or ourselves on the basis of age, has serious consequences for people’s health, wellbeing, and human rights. Ageism is also a major barrier to enacting effective policies and actions
Recognizing the pressing need to address ageism across countries, the 194 Member States of the World Health Organization called on its Director General to develop the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism. The UN Global Report on Ageism is a key product of the Global Campaign and provides a framework to prevent and counter ageism through three strategies that have demonstrated previous success: policy and law, educational activities, and intergenerational interventions. The Global Report on Ageism summarizes the best available evidence and provides an opportunity for stakeholders to invest in evidence-based strategies to reduce ageism in the Americas. There is also a need to continue to improve data and research to lead to a better understanding of ageism, and to change the narrative around age and ageing in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Welcoming Remarks
- Ageism experiences from older and young people
- Ageism throughout the life course
- The Global Campaign on Ageism and the UN Global Report on Ageism
- Country Perspectives
- Closing Remarks
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