In light of World Heart Day, celebrated every year on 29 September, we cordially invite you to participate in the webinar “HEARTS in the Americas: new developments and resources”, to be held on Thursday, 17 September 2020, from 10:30 am to 12:00pm (EDT)
The session will be available in English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation.
About the webinar
Despite decades of an impressive reduction in mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading cause of death in the Americas, accounting for a third of all deaths in the region and resulting in a huge negative economic and social impact. There were an estimated 14 million new cases, 80 million people living with these conditions, and 2 million deaths in 2017.
To respond to these challenges, HEARTS in the Americas, a program led by the Ministries of Health and supported by PAHO and other partners, has been implementing in 12 countries and 371 health centers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The program envisions that by 2025, HEARTS will be the model for CVD risk management in primary health care in the Americas. Results emerging from the implementation demonstrated significant increases in hypertension control rates in the first cohort of participating countries. Based on these positive results, new efforts to disseminate and scale-up aspects of the program to the full population have started. These are promising results for better cardiovascular health in the Region.
This webinar will provide more details about the new resources in HEARTS that aim to strengthen and provide global guidance for CVD risk reduction programs to prevent and control cardiovascular disease and its risk factors.
Primary health care teams, scientific and medical associations, ministers of health, CVD health program managers, and general public.
How to participate
- DATE: Thursday, 17 September 2020
- TIME: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm (EDT) [see time correspondence below]
- 10:30 am - Welcome and introduction. Dr. Pedro Ordunez Regional advisor, PAHO
- 10:35 am – Sounding the Alarm. The slowdown in the reduction rate of premature mortality from CVD in the Americas. Ramon Martinez, Specialist, Health Metrics. PAHO
- 10:45 am -HEARTS-Diabetes. New HEARTS module. Dr. Eric Zuniga, HEARTS consultant, Chile.
- 10:55 am -Risk-based CVD management. New HEARTS module. Dr. Andres Rosende, National Program of CVD Prevention Coordinator, Argentina
- 11: 00 am - Q & A. Moderator
- 11:10 am -New virtual course: Update on hypertension and CVD management in PHC, Dr. Yenny Rodriguez, PAHO
- 11:20 am - Virtual resources to support hypertension programs. Johns Hopkins University and Resolve to Save Lives. Dr. Kuni Matsushita, Associated Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU
- 11:30 am -Navigation on the new webpage HEARTS in the America, PAHO/WHO. Natália Toscano. PAHO
- 11:40 am -Q&A and closing. Moderator
Time correspondence
- 7:30 am.- Los Angeles
- 8:30 am. – Calgary, Edmonton, Guatemala City, San José, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 9:30 am. – Bogotá, Kingston, Lima, Mexico City, Panama City, Quito
- 10:30 am.- Atlanta, Bridgetown, Castries, Georgetown, Santo Domingo, Havana, Port of Spain, Toronto, Washington DC
- 11:30 am. – Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Montevideo, Paramaribo
- 4:30 pm.- Geneva
For other cities, check the time in the following link
— WHO. HEARTS technical package
— WHO. HEARTS D: diagnosis and management of type 2 diabetes