
PAHO officials and authorities and the local community
Photo: Ángel Tuñón PAHO/WHO

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) expresses sincere thanks to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia and to the Ministry ’s National Institute of Health, to the Ministry of Health of Panama, as well as to the institutions, cooperation organizations, migrants, and refugees who made the preparation of this report possible, within the framework of cooperation between countries for health development.

Thank you to the PAHO representatives in Colombia and Panama – Dr. Gina Tambini and Dr. Ana Rivière-Cinnamond, respectively – as well as Dr. Mauricio Cerpa, Advisor on International Health Emergencies, for their leadership and ongoing support, which were essential in carrying out this study.

Thanks also to Laura Osorio and Juan Quintero, from the technical areas of the PAHO country offices in Colombia and Panama, and to other experts who contributed their time, knowledge, and invaluable experience to the collection, analysis, and preparation of the data presented in this report, and the drafting of its conclusions.

PAHO extends its appreciation to the local communities, community leaders, cooperating organizations, and all those who generously shared experiences and perspectives that are fundamental to better understanding the challenges and opportunities facing migration and health in the Darien region.

Thanks also to the administrative and technical support team that helped to develop this project and prepare this study. Their dedication and collaboration have been essential to the success of this work.

The hope is that the recommendations presented in this report will contribute significantly to improving migration and health policies and practices in the region.