• Cultural diversity

Latin America and the Caribbean are of the most diverse regions in the world.  It is also where one of the largest disparities in terms of socio-economic classes exist. PAHO recognizes the need to address ethnic, social and cultural diversities that exist within Member States and technical units to create policies and services accessible to all populations. 


There is ample evidence attesting to the disadvantage and discrimination that many of the men and especially women of these populations experience regarding their socio-economic welfare, exclusion, and their health, and access and contribution to care.

Health information systems also often fail to recognize the differences and needs of these groups, which hinders defining better interventions and indicators for monitoring acceptance and effectiveness in improving the health of all populations.

The formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies should ensure the participation of the populations involved, respect for human rights, an intercultural approach, and gender equality.



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