Youth for Health Group (PYHG)


Youth for Health Group (PYHG) was established in 2018 to institutionalize young people's engagement and empowerment in PAHO’s work and mainstream meaningful and sustainable dialogue and partnership between PAHO and young people in the Americas on their health and well-being. 

The PYHG operates under the general theme of “I Thrive”, referring to the “thrive” objective of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents’ Health

The PYHG activities include 1) supporting brainstorming and providing concrete recommendations to the Health Systems and Services (HSS) Department and other departments and programs regarding programming and activities related to adolescents and youth; 2) participation in relevant activities from PAHO and other partners as presenters, moderators, panel members; and 3) implementing activities initiated and led by PYHG. 

Every year, the PYHG creates a work plan with key agreed activities to be implemented based on their experiences and the challenges they see in their respective countries.


2024 Priority Topics Identified by PYHG: 

  1. Virtual environment and online safety
  2. Bullying and cyberbullying
  3. Social media addiction
  4. Porn use
  5. Urban health
  6. Neurodiversity 




Join the PYHG community. Follow them on Instagram:

Youth4Health Instagram


International Youth Day 2024 Commemorative Video



International Youth Day 2024 / Día Internacional de la Juventud 2024. 

PAHO Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, answers questions from members of the PAHO Youth for Health Group (PYHG).

International Youth Day 2024 Webinar


Leveraging the transformative power of digital technology towards achievement of the SDG 3 targets for and with young people in Latin America and the Caribbean (August 12, 2024)


Aprovechando el poder transformador de la tecnología digital hacia el logro de las metas del ODS 3 para y con los jóvenes en América Latina y el Caribe (Agosto 12, 2024)

PAHO’s work with adolescents and young people:

Accelerating progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) targets for young people in the Americas (Oct.25, 2023)

Acelerar el progreso hacia el logro de las metas del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 3 para las juventudes de las Américas (Oct. 25, 2023)

Interactive Webinar: Protecting the hearing health of young people in the Americas (May 20, 2022)

Seminario web interactivo: Protegiendo la salud auditiva de los jóvenes en las Américas (Mayo 20, 2022)

Videos-International Youth Day Campaign 2022

Intergenerational Dialogues on Solidarity: Dr. James Hospedales & Adam Bartholomew.

Intergenerational Dialogues on Solidarity: Adam Bartholomew & Dr. James Hospedales.

Intergenerational Dialogues on Solidarity: Patricia Morsch & Cianna Luna.

Intergenerational Dialogues on Solidarity: Cianna Luna & Patricia Morsch.

Videos-Campaña del Día Internacional de la Juventud 2022

Diálogos Intergeneracionales sobre la Solidaridad: Luis Limber y Dr. Enrique Vega.

Diálogos Intergeneracionales sobre la Solidaridad: Dr. Enrique Vega y Luis Limber.