Technical Documents - Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)


PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics launched a one-stop webpage for resources related to Catalyzing Ethical Research in Emergencies. It includes Ethics Guidance, Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Pending Agenda.



Case Management

WHO COVID-19 Clinical Management: living guidance

COVID-19: Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine research

Flowchart for the Management of Suspected COVID-19 Patients at the First Level of Care and in Remote Areas in the Region of the Americas, July 2020

Guidelines for Care of Critically Ill Adult Patients with COVID-19 in the Americas. Version 3

Guidelines for Care of Critically Ill Adult Patients with COVID-19 in the Americas. Summary, version 3 (versions in French and Portuguese)

Initial care of persons with the acute respiratory illness (ARI) in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in healthcare facilities: assess the risk, isolate, refer

Ongoing Living Update of Potential COVID-19 Therapeutics: summary of rapid systematic reviews

PAHO Does Not Recommend Taking Products that Contain Chlorine Dioxide, Sodium Chlorite, Sodium Hypochlorite, or Derivatives

Regulatory considerations on the authorization of the use of convalescent plasma (PC) to address the COVID-19 emergency

Safety of COVID-19 Patients and Use of Medicines without Scientific Evidence of Their Benefit

WHO open course: Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection

WHO open course: Clinical management of patients with COVID-19

WHO: Use of chest imaging in COVID-19; A rapid advice guide 

Guidelines for Prophylaxis and Management of Patients with Mild and Moderate COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (See also versions in French and Portuguese)

Considerations on the Use of Antivirals, Monoclonal Antibodies, and Other Interventions for the Management of COVID-19 Patients in Latin America and the Caribbean 

COVID-19 Technical Guidances

Infection Prevention and Control


Maintaining Essential Health Services during the Pandemic

COVID-19 Technical Guidances


Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies. Ethics guidance, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and pending agenda. Summary  / Full version. View also French version

One stop - resources related to: Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies. Ethics guidance, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and pending agenda

Emergency use of unproven interventions outside of research: Ethics guidance for the COVID-19 pandemic

Ethics guidance on issues raised by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic 

Ethics Guidance for the use of scarce resources in the delivery of critical health care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Guidance and strategies to streamline ethics review and oversight of COVID-19 related research

Guidance for ethics oversight of COVID-19 research in response to emerging evidence 

How Can Research Transparency Be Promoted? Actions for National Health Authorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Operational guidance and template for the ethics review and oversight of COVID-19-related research

COVID-19 et vaccination obligatoire: considérations éthiques. Note d'orientation, 30 mai 2022

Catalyzing Ethical Research in Emergencies: Recommendations for Research Ethics Committees

Catalyzing Ethical Research in Emergencies: Recommendations for health authorities

Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies. Ethics guidance, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and pending agenda. (Summary) / View also: French version

Recommendations for ethical monkeypox (mpox) surveillance / View also: French version


Surveillance, Rapid Response Teams, and Case Investigation