The Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office of the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), has an established history of technical cooperation in public health with national authorities in The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands. PAHO/WHO is responsive to the countries' public health priorities and aligns technical cooperation to countries 
towards achieving regional and global health goals. PAHO/WHO helps countries to shape their health services and health research agendas, set norms and standards, evaluate, and implement evidence-based policies and monitor and assess health trends. The organization promotes health care strategies that reach people in their communities in order to extend health 
services to all and increase efficiency in the use of resources. 

The PAHO/WHO Bahamas Country Office is seeking to recruit a consultant to participate as a member of a multi-disciplinary team providing technical cooperation to the countries in the areas of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), mental health, violence and injury prevention, risk factors, nutrition, substance abuse, disabilities, health promotion and social determinants of health). The successful achievement of the programme of work will require close collaboration and coordination among national authorities, members of PAHO/WHO country office, sub-regional and regional staff, and other stakeholders and partners. In performing these duties, the consultant will be guided by the PAHO/WHO Representative, the Organization's Strategic Plan, and its Biennial Work Plan (BWP), national strategies, and other directives regarding technical cooperation. The work of the consultant will be supervised by the PAHO/WHO Representative. 

This vacancy is for a national consultant, therefore only Bahamian or Turks Islander citizens and permanent residents may apply.

Deadline for submission is July 24, 2024.