The Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative in the Americas

Logo iniciativa PRET (Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats

Pandemics are unpredictable, 
We need to be prepared

The PRET initiative promotes a unified strategy for future pandemic preparedness by categorizing pathogens based on their mode of transmission (e.g., respiratory, vector-borne, foodborne) and encouraging Member States to utilize existing systems to respond effectively to similar pathogens.

PRET aims to optimize resources by improving:

  • coordination,  
  • technical alignment,
  • the reduction of use of redundant efforts.

Implementing PRET initiative in the Region of the Americas

PAHO works closely with Member States to ensure that pandemic plans are comprehensive and operational, framed within the following four steps for developing and updating preparedness plans for respiratory pathogen pandemics:


Steps for updating and developing respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness and response plans


Download the full guide



PRET Dashboard in the Americas

Pandemic Preparedness Plans in the Region of the Americas


PAHO has consolidated publicly available national preparedness plans related to respiratory viruses for countries in the region to ensure ready access to national preparedness and response plans for future emergencies and to facilitate collaborative work between the Ministries of Health, agencies, organizations, universities, and the community, among others. 

Disclaimer: The pandemic preparedness plans shared here are owned by the competent national health authorities. The process of developing, testing and updating the aforementioned plans is the exclusive responsibility of each Member State. PAHO provides technical guidance in this process when requested by the Member States. PAHO does not offer any guarantee or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy and/or veracity of the information contained in the materials compiled on this web page. PAHO will not assume any responsibility for claims arising from or derived from the use of the information contained in this web page.

PRET Module 1: Planning for respiratory pathogen pandemics


A checklist for respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness planning


Developing respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness plans


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