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PAHO Strategic Fund

What we do

The Strategic Fund part of the PAHO’s Regional Revolving Funds is a regional technical cooperation mechanism for pooled procurement of essential medicines and strategic health supplies. Thus, the Fund is a central component of PAHO’s strategy to move towards Universal Health.

The Strategic Fund strengthens the strategic supply management systems, providing technical cooperation to plan demand, promote rational use of medicines, and prevent stock-outs in the region of the Americas. 

How do we improve access to essential supplies?

Products and Prices

The products purchased through the Strategic Fund meet international guidelines and standards. 

Using the slicers at the top of the visual, you can search for a specific product and filter the table by category, disease area, and indication. 

The Strategic Fund Medicine List does not seek to replace or complement the WHO Essential Medicine List or Member States’ national essential medicine lists. As a result, it should not be utilized as a reference for the development of other essential medicine lists or treatment guidelines.

Prices and lead time will depend on product availability at the time of the request. Prices are listed with FCA Incoterm and are not guaranteed and do not constitute a formal price proposal. For budgeting purposes, PAHO suggests that the Member States add 20-25% to reflect the cost of freight and insurance to the port of delivery and a 4.25% surcharge on the product price.

Upon request of Member States, certain products not on the List, such as diagnostics and equipment for TB, HPV, Opportunistic Infections, Chagas, and Leishmaniasis, among others, may be available through PAHO. 

Download the product list and prices in PDF:

Product list (Updated April 11 2024)

Reference prices (Updated April 11 2024)

Technical Cooperation

All Ministries of Health and Government Institutions of the Public Health Services Network of the countries that are members of PAHO can purchase medicines and supplies through the Strategic Fund. To do this, the entity only needs to sign an agreement with the Organization. 

The Strategic Fund provides medicines and supplies included in the World Health Organization (WHO) Model List of Essential Medicines and adheres to the recommended guidelines to strengthen priority public health programs for communicable and noncommunicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, vector control, and diagnostic kits and equipment. View the complete list of medicines and supplies and the WHO-prequalified diagnostic test that can be purchased through the Strategic Fund, along with reference prices and information on ordering procedures.  

You can request for the inclusion of a product and PAHO will analyze the request based on its inclusion criteria.

Countries that purchase products through the Strategic Fund must transfer the amount to PAHO in advance. They can also request access to the  RRF Credit Line.

The PAHO Strategic Fund plays a crucial role in improving access to quality-assured medicines across the Americas. By participating in the Fund, the Member States are contributing to strengthening a regional mechanism that pools demand, thus achieving better value for money in health supplies for all countries in the Americas. As more countries participate, the collective strength grows, leading to even more favorable conditions. 

Learn more here

Product Bundles

Strategic portfolios are designed to meet the essential needs of health services for preventing, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring diseases. These portfolios are based on WHO/PAHO guidelines and include evidence-based essential health technologies and technical cooperation initiatives. They should be tailored to each country's specific needs, as determined by assessments that consider epidemiological, technical, and rational selection principles, as well as demand and supply considerations. 




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