Washington, D.C., March 19, 2018 (PAHO/WHO) - A strong political commitment and public policies involving all sectors of government are needed to address noncommunicable diseases, which take 5.2 million lives a year and involve enormous costs for the countries of the Americas, said Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health…
Journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean were invited to participate in a webinar to examine challenges and best practices when reporting on suicide. Dr. Dan Reidenberg, Executive Director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) made a presentation on the subject. The seminar took place on the occasion of World Health Day, April 7…
The Indian Law Society is pleased to announce admissions for the eleventh batch of the International Diploma in Mental Health, Human Rights and Law for the academic year 2018-19. The Diploma, launched in October 2008, is a result of collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, and the Indian Law Society (ILS) Pune, India. The…
PAHO-WHO Bahamas & Turks and Caicos Country Office, hosted a train the trainers session on Mental Health and the High School Literacy Program, December 11-13, 2017. The session highlighted the need to build teachers' skills on mental disorders and the early identification of mental health issues that may affect the students'…
The Ministry of Health of Bolivia, through the National Program for the Prevention and Treatment of Addictions, with PAHO/WHO support, organized a training workshop in Cochabamba, December 13-5, for implementing WHO's mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings. It was attended…
A group of international experts was convened by the Mental Health and Substance Use Unit of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington D.C., December 5-6, 2017, to address deinstitutionalization.The objectives were to identify strategies, experiences and suggestions for promoting and enhancing this process in the Americas, and to detect…
Twenty mental health professionals from the ministries of health of Bahamas, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago met in Port of Spain, November 14-16, 2017, to attend the advanced course on "Innovation and implementation of mental health policies and care delivery," taught by Dr. Benedetto Saraceno, former WHO Director of Mental…
This meeting was organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Suriname, November 7-8, 2017. The main objective was to gain insight into the current models of mental health services delivery in Suriname and identify facilitators and impediments for integrating mental health into…
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), in collaboration with the Douglas Institute from McGill University - PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health, hosted a regional meeting on mental wellness and suicide prevention in indigenous communities, which was held in Montreal, 25-26 October 2017. Participants…