New PAHO report examines the health of young people in the Region and makes recommendations on how it can be improved and lives saved. Washington D.C, 5 March 2019 (PAHO/WHO) – Half of all deaths of young people aged between 10-24 in the Americas are due to homicide, road traffic fatalities and suicide, all of which are preventable, reveals…
Mental health issues account for more than a third of total disability in the Region yet just 2% of country’s health budgets go towards preventing and treating these conditions, according to a new PAHO report.…
The disease is endemic in the Region and, since its reintroduction in the 1980s, has caused cyclical outbreaks and epidemics every three to five years Washington, DC, 28 February 2019 (PAHO)- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has called for countries in the Region of the Americas to prepare for a timely response to possible…
Belize, 20 February 2019 (PAHO)- A new plan to increase health workers and improve their efficiency and distribution in order to respond to the health needs of the population, was launched today by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other partners. The Strategic Plan on Human Resources…
Noncommunicable diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke—are the main causes of death in the Americas, causing seven times more deaths than infectious diseases Washington, DC, February 13, 2019 (PAHO) – The Americas region is home to more than one billion people. Every year, 15 million babies are born, and nearly 7 million people…
12 February 2019 - Geneva - Nearly 50% of people aged 12-35 years – or 1.1 billion young people – are at risk of hearing loss due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud sounds, including music they listen to through personal audio devices. Ahead of World Hearing Day (3 March), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the…
Washington D.C. 5 February 2019 (PAHO/WHO) – Tackling NCDs and ensuring universal access to quality health care were among the priority themes addressed by the Costa Rican Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Salas Peraza, during his visit to the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) headquarters in Washington D.C this week. Costa Rica has made…
Each year, approximately 72,000 women in the Americas are diagnosed with cervical cancer and more than 34,000 women die from this disease. HPV testing for women to detect precancerous lesions, followed by timely treatment, and together with HPV vaccination for girls are key strategies to prevent cervical cancer and save lives Washington, D.C.,…
Washington, DC, 31 January 2019 (PAHO/WHO) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), regional office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO) reiterated its recommendation to inform international travelers that they should get vaccinated against yellow fever at least 10 days prior to visiting areas where the virus…