Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 18, 2009)Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 18, 2009)Good afternoon. Welcome again to members of the press corps on the line, and thank you for taking the time to listen to…
Eat Less Salt, Live LongerSalt ShakerThe World Hypertension League is…
Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 15, 2009)Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 15, 2009) Good afternoon. Welcome again to members of the press corps on the line, and thank you for taking the time to listen…
Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 13, 2009)Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 13, 2009) Good afternoon. Welcome again to members of the press corps on the line, and thank you for taking the time to listen…
Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 8, 2009) Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 8, 2009) Welcome again to those of you on the line, and thank you for taking the time to listen to today's briefing by the Pan…
Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 11 2009) Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N1) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 11,  2009) Good afternoon. Welcome again to members of the press corps on the line, and thank you for taking the time to…
May 7, 2009—In the ongoing spread of influenza A(H1N1), concerns about the possibility of this virus being found in pigs and the safety of pork and pork products have been raised. Influenza viruses are not known to be transmissible to people through eating processed pork or other food products derived from pigs.May 7, 2009—In the…
Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 7, 2009)Media Briefing: Influenza A (H1N) (Conducted by Dr. Jon K. Andrus, Pan American Health Organization, May 7, 2009) Good afternoon. Welcome again to all members of the Press who are on the line, and thank you again for taking the time to…