PAHO/WHO official calls for major scale-up of response efforts Washington D.C., 2 December 2010 (PAHO) — The number of cholera cases continues to grow in Haiti, but a smaller proportion of people who become ill are now dying from the disease, according to data released this week. In the first weeks of the cholera epidemic, which began in late…
Geneva, 1 December 2010 (WHO) — "On World AIDS Day 2010, the global community is focusing attention on protecting human rights of all people affected by HIV.  Health, HIV and human rights are inextricably linked. HIV responses need to ensure that human rights are protected and promoted. At the same time, the promotion and…
PAHO/WHO Part of a One-Stop Source of Technical Information on HaitiHealth workers, policy makers, program managers and volunteers have a source for…
Educational posters on prevention and treatment will be displayed at polling places Washington, D.C., November 25, 2010 (PAHO) — Going forward with elections in Haiti this Sunday is not expected to increase the spread of cholera, a top official at the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) said today. Cholera is…
Lessons from 1990s epidemic point to need for advanced preparation Washington, D.C., November 23, 2010 (PAHO) — Countries throughout the Americas should be taking steps now to protect their populations from cholera, before the epidemic spreads further, a top Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) official said today.   In addition to Haiti…
WHAT:  Marking International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2010 - Violence against Women: New evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean. WHO: The Pan American Health Organization, in partnership with the Unite to End Violence Against Women Campaign, the International Center for Research on Women, the Men…