Oral health is vital for overall health Healthy teeth, gums and mouths are things people tend to take for granted until they no longer have them…
ProPAN 2.0: new software for promotion of child feeding The second edition of ProPAN: Process for the Promotion of Child Feeding was…
In 2011, 268,000 new TB cases and nearly 30,000 deaths were reported in the hemisphere Washington, D.C., 19 March 2013 (PAHO/WHO) — The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) today called for stepped-up efforts to prevent and control tuberculosis in the Americas, especially in vulnerable populations living in large…
Millennium Water Association joins coalition for water and sanitation to eliminate cholera from Haiti The Millennium Water Association today became the latest new…
New study suggests potential shift in burden of pneumococcal disease New studies revealed today by Latin American researchers and global…