PAHO Director makes first official visit to Canada Dr. Carissa F. Etienne will travel to Canada this week for her first official visit to the country…
Initiatives selected by consensus will represent the region at the World Health Organization Washington, D.C., 28 October 2013 (PAHO/WHO) — This October 23rd, representatives of health authorities from 19 countries in the Americas selected, by consensus, four innovative projects for research and development of medicines and other health…
Washington, D.C., 24 October 2013 (PAHO/WHO) — In recognition of World Polio Day, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) calls for maintaining high levels of polio vaccine coverage in the region and strengthening epidemiological surveillance of possible cases of acute flaccid paralysis. The last case of wild…
PAHO Director highlights health inequities, at Capitol Hill briefing During a briefing at the U.S. Capitol, PAHO Director Carissa F.…
Girls and boys respond differently to a school-based healthy diet intervention in Argentina A randomized controlled trial conducted with over 400…
On the occasion of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, WHO urges countries to address lead paint as a first step. 18 October 2013 | Geneva - Lead poisoning has devastating health consequences, in particular for children, with childhood lead exposure estimated to contribute to 600 000 new cases of children with intellectual…
Lyon/Geneva, 17 October 2013 (IARC) — The specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), announced today that it has classified outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic to…