Washington, D.C., 24 September 2018 (PAHO/WHO) ‒ Health authorities of the Region of the Americas agreed today to implement a series of actions over the next five years to more effectively control the vectors that transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue, Zika, and Chagas disease. The aim of the plan is to prevent communicable diseases of this…
New challenges threaten health achievements in the Americas and call for innovative solutions Despite the successes and historic milestones achieved in public health over the past few decades, the Region of the Americas is facing challenges that are…
Washington, D.C., 23 September 2018 (PAHO/WHO) – The Bahamian Ministry of Health, Duane Ernest Lascelles Sands, has been elected President of the Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) 56th Directing Council, which convenes the Region’s health authorities to discuss and analyze regional health policies and set priorities for technical…
PAHO and IACHR call on countries to guarantee people with Alzheimer’s access to health servicesThe Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) urge countries in the Americas to take the needed…
Rabies cases in dogs and humans have declined 95% in the region over the past 35 years. In 2017, just 19 cases were reported in Bolivia, Guatemala, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Americas are advancing toward elimination. Washington, D.C., 21 September 2018 – Only four countries of Latin America and the Caribbean continue to report cases…
Ministros de Salud de las Américas se reunirán en la OPS para abordar prioridades de salud en la región Health authorities will meet from September 23 to 27 in Washington D.C, to discuss plans to reduce the shortage in health personnel, lower the burden of…
Projects in Guatemala and Honduras recognized for their innovative community-based approach to health problems A telemedicine initiative in the Gracias a Dios department of Honduras, along with two programs to control…