The event celebrating 20 years of the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s Virtual Health Library (MS VHL) was broadcast online via Teams and on the DataSUS YouTube channel on August 31st. During the ceremony, the new MS VHL interface, the commemorative anniversary stamp that will be used in activities until August/22, and the …
On Friday 3 August, PAHO donated oxygen tanks to the Regional Health Service in Suriname to support the fight against COVID-19 in Suriname. PAHO continuously supports the primary health services with necessary medical equipment and supplies. The donation consisted of 15 oxygen tanks of 60 cubic feet volume and 15 oxygen tanks of 110 cubic feet…
Caracas, September 7, 2021 (PAHO/WHO) – A shipment of 693,600 doses of COVID-19 vaccines arrived in Venezuela today. The vaccines, purchased using Venezuela’s own resources, were procured through the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Revolving Fund – the procurement agent for COVAX for the Region of the Americas. This shipment is the first…
Belize City, Belize, September 6, 2021(PAHO) - As part of the country's ongoing COVID-19 response, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) donated a Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BPap/BiPap) Unit to Belize's national referral hospital for COVID-19, the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH). With the KHMH…
4 September 2020 - PAHO Guyana, in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Local Government, conducted the first Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) training for the indigenous health care workers providing care to remote, hinterland communities, exclusively to the indigenous populations in Kamarang and neighbouring communities in…
On Thursday, August 12, the Ministry of Health in Suriname received a donation of 30 oxygen concentrators to support patient care in the current COVID-19 situation in Suriname. The donation came at an extremely opportune time, as transmission of the virus has unfortunately continued to increase over the past 4 weeks. The oxygen concentrators were…
Belize City, Belize, September 01, 2021 (PAHO) – As part of the Smart Health Care Facilities in the Caribbean Project Phase II Project, supported by the United Kingdom Department for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK FCDO), the British High Commission and the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)…
The launching of the Portugal Nursing Virtual Health Library (VHL), transmitted online from the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra on July 9, was part of the International Meeting of Scientific Publishing, an initiative within the framework of the Strategic Axis of Development of the Research Unit in Health Sciences: Nursing (UCISA…
La Paz, August 31, 2021 (PAHO/WHO)- The Bolivian Ministry of Health and Sports (MSD for its acronym in Spanish), together with the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women's and Reproductive Health (CLAP/WRH), the Representation of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in Bolivia, and the Bolivian Society…