On October 20, the 15th anniversary of the Virtual Health Library Network of Information and Knowledge (RIC VHL) was held via web conference. The RIC VHL is the result of the Technical-Scientific Information Management Project carried out in 2006 by the São Paulo State Department of Health (SES-SP) in partnership with BIREME/PAHO/…
Montevideo, October 26, 2021- The Social Security Fund and the Ministry of Health of Panama (MINSA) have integrated perinatal data through SIP Plus, CLAP's digital tool that collects each pregnant woman’s key data, from the first antenatal visit to the hospital discharge of the mother and her newborn. This partnership will allow to provide care to…
Bridgetown, Barbados - 25 November 2021 (PAHO/WHO) - The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) in collaboration with Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the CARICOM Secretariat, today convened regional stakeholders, including representatives from member states, to finalise the development of the regional Noncommunicable Disease (NCD)…
MedCarib is a database comprising health information published in scientific journals from the English-speaking Caribbean countries and Suriname as a result of the cooperation of the MedCarib Network whose current coordinator is Victoria Cruishank-Taylor, from CARPHA (Caribbean Public Health Agency). This database also contributes with records to…
Belize City, Belize, November 23, 2021 (PAHO) – To support Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) measures in the workplace especially during COVID-19, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), through funding from the Government of Germany, donated several Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the Belize…
Saint John’s, Antigua, 18 November 2021 [PAHO] — Antigua & Barbuda today received 19,200 doses of COVID-19 vaccine donated by Spain via the COVAX Mechanism, a global initiative that aims to ensure equitable access to vaccines against the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.   Including this delivery…
On Monday, November 22, 2021 at the PAHO/WHO Belize Country Office, PWR, Dr. Noreen Jack and her technical team briefed the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) including Hon. Michel Chebat and his delegation regarding the Special Session of the World Health Assembly (WHASS). In this special session, Member States will consider…
Kingston, Jamaica, November 20 (PAHO/WHO) - November 20 is observed globally as World Children’s Day. This year, it will be celebrated under the theme, ‘A Better Future for Every Child’, creating the opportunity for a discussion on the importance of protecting current and expectant mothers along with the children who will chart Jamaica’s…
Montevideo, 20/10/2021- CLAP/PAHO/WHO- Two proposals from the Latin American Center for Pernatology, Women's and Reproductive Health (CLAP/WH) hosted in June of this year at PAHO's Virtual Public Health Campus have already reached more than 16,000 registrations each. One is the virtual and self-administered course on family planning, aimed at…