Workshop Will Present Results of Study on Access to Medicines in Central America

Workshop Will Present Results of Study on Access to Medicines in Central America

Medicamentos esencialesThe Regional Workshop "Impact of the exclusion of health services on access to medicines in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala" happens at the headquarters of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington D.C., July 12-13 2010. The study offer valuable information on the access to health services and medicines in these countries.

"Impact of the exclusion of health services on access to medicines in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala"

The study "Impact of the exclusion of health services on access to medicines in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala" was conducted in the countries Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua between 2008 and 2009. The results of the study offer valuable information regarding the situation of access to health services and medicines in these countries.

The methodology utilized assessed the lack of access to health services and medicines, with regard to factors specific to each health care system, as well as social determinants that impact upon health-seeking behavior and health services utilization.

The region of the Americas currently does not rely on information that documents the relationship between access to health services and access to medicines. However, this information could be used to better inform the decision-making process in the sphere of public policies.

In this context, a multi-focused study entitled "Impact of the exclusion of health attention on access to medicines in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala" was developed starting in 2008. The study's concept, methodological development and results will be presented in the seminar.

We hope that the results of the study will contribute to improving knowledge about the relationship between access to health services and access to medicines, and, consequently, allow us to improve the formulation of policies oriented towards a more equitable access to medicines as part of the right to health.

The general objective of the seminar is to create a space for discussion and analysis with regard to the methodology and outcomes of the study. In the involved countries, this will ideally lead to advancing the elaboration of propositions for the implementation of policies oriented towards reducing the exclusion of health services and medicines.

More information (Only in Spanish) is available here.