Experts explore the use of legislation to advance the right to health

Experts explore the use of legislation to advance the right to health

On the occasion of Human Rights Day (Dec. 10), the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) is hosting a two-day workshop this week on the use of health-related legislation to advance universal health coverage and the right to health in the countries of the Americas.

On the occasion of Human Rights Day (Dec. 10), the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) is hosting a two-day workshop this week on the use of health-related legislation to advance universal health coverage and the right to health in the countries of the Americas.

Titled "Scaling up health-related legislative initiatives in the region of the Americas," the workshop will explore ways of developing, strengthening, and implementing legislative and regulatory frameworks needed for the realization of the right to health and other related human rights in PAHO Member States.

Participants include representatives of leading U.S. academic institutions as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the World Bank, the Organization of American States, and PAHO/WHO technical units and country offices. 

The workshop will conclude on Tuesday, Dec. 10, with a special event celebrating Human Rights Day and paying tribute to the late Jonathan Mann, a leading figure in the fight against HIV/AIDS and promoter of the human rights of people living with HIV. A "kite ceremony" will also be held to recognize PAHO/WHO teams for their achievements in promoting health and human rights over the past year.

