Brasilia, 8 July 2020 (PAHO / WHO) — In association with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Brazilian Post -Correios- launched a series of stamps dedicated to the work to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The block of stamps highlights recommendations for staying healthy, such as: hand and personal items hygiene (such as cell phones), staying home if possible, avoiding crowds and physical contact, keeping rooms well ventilated, and not sharing personal items (such as dishes and covered) or self-medicating.
The stamps, with art by Alan Magalhães, show the world map on a blue, yellow and green background, colors of the Brazilian flag. They also include the importance of science and technology, especially during the current pandemic. Because it is a new virus, humans do not have natural immunity to protect themselves. For this reason, scientific research is essential for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine and for the identification or development of effective medications to treat patients and save lives.
“We are very happy and grateful for this association with Correios, an institution that has served Brazil for more than three centuries. These stamps are very important because they show the measures that we have to take to protect ourselves and our families against COVID-19 infection,” said Socorro Gross, PAHO/WHO representative in Brazil.
Another highlight in the images is the fundamental role of health professionals and those of other essential services in the continuity of life, hygiene, security, food, and timely delivery of products and food. "It is a way of recognizing the work that many professionals do on a daily basis, often leaving their loved ones to provide essential services to our society," said the PAHO/WHO representative.
In addition, the stamps draw attention to the need to be aware, responsible and supportive in the fight against COVID-19. This is a key message because no one will be safe from this virus until everyone is safe. The stamp issue has a circulation of 60,000 blocks and can be obtained in the Correios online store.
PAHO Support to Brazil
To respond effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic, PAHO and WHO have provided technical support to countries. In Brazil, collaborative actions are carried out with national, state and municipal authorities, especially the Ministry of Health. Among the actions PAHO supported are work to increase in capacity for surveillance and diagnosis, to strengthen the screening of contacts of people infected with coronavirus, to make decisions on tightening or relaxing the measures of social distancing, to share the most recent and innovative scientific evidence, and to promote mental health during the pandemic.
Another fundamental measure is the fight against the infodemic, or the flood of information, some accurate and other not, about a problem, making it difficult to identify reliable sources and guidelines.
During a public health emergency, infodemics can spread wrong or false information and rumors. They can also hinder an effective response, as well as create confusion and mistrust in people about solutions or guidelines to prevent disease. The issuance by the Brazilian Post of informative stamps on COVID-19, in association with PAHO, is an important initiative to raise awareness and combat the disease.