Caribbean Health Ministers and the Pan American Health Organization meet in Jamaica to plan improvements to public health information systems

Caribbean Health Ministers and the Pan American Health Organization meet in Jamaica to plan improvements to public health information systems


The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, is in Jamaica this week for a high-level meeting with ministers of health from 16 Caribbean countries and territories. Also participating are more than 60 leading regional health experts and representatives from UN agencies.

The Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, is in Jamaica this week for a high-level meeting with ministers of health from 16 Caribbean countries and territories. Also participating are more than 60 leading regional health experts and representatives from UN agencies.

The meeting, which builds on PAHO's draft "Strategic Plan for a Caribbean Information System for Health," takes place on November 7-8 and is expected to result in a joint plan of action for improving a range of information systems and health partnerships throughout the Caribbean.

Photo: PAHO/WHO, K. Cook. From left to right, PAHO/WHO Rep. Noreen Jack and PAHO/WHO Director Dr. Carissa F. Etienne. High-level meeting with ministers of health from 16 Caribbean countries and territories, Kingston, Jamaica.

Dr. Etienne opened today's meeting with a challenging call for collaboration and innovation that can lead to major advances in health information systems.

"Health as a human right is a priority," Dr. Etienne reminded participants, "and the only way to get there is through universal health coverage and access. Improved Information Systems are key to this. We require better data and information that target everyone, not just those in reach."

The meeting's keynote address was delivered by Dr. Marcos Espinal, Director of PAHO's Department of Communicable Diseases and Health Analysis (CHA).

"This is about quality data for better decisions and policy making", Dr. Espinal asserted. "It is about a a plan of action and a clear roadmap for ensuring universal, free, and timely access to quality and open data and strategic information, using the most cost-effective ICT tools." He indicated that "the key issue is we leave this meeting committed to do this, to working together."

Dr. Etienne expressed her hopes that this meeting will serve as a "transformation point for significant change in the Caribbean region." She concluded that "PAHO is committed to this initiative and we encourage all of the Caribbean countries to agree on a common vision, goal, objectives and expected results, for working together as one team."