First Information Session with Stakeholders for the development of PAHO's Strategic Plan 2026-2031

Group of PAHO staff and stakeholders seated around a table in a meeting toom in Washington DC

Washington, DC, September 5, 2024 (PAHO) — Over 156 stakeholders, representing more than 100 institutions, attended the first information session for the development of the SP26-31.

Participants welcomed the participatory process and the opportunity to engage in the development of the PAHO Strategic Plan 2026-2031. They enquired about the inclusion of several key elements related to the technical proposal.

The importance of cooperation among countries, such as south-south and triangular cooperation, for the successful achievement of results was stressed. Participants also welcomed PAHO’s approach to build on the results of the external evaluation of results-based management and recommended the separation of immediate and long-term outcomes, among other suggestions.

Additionally, they sought clarity on how they can collaborate and contribute to future implementation.