Montevideo 4 September 2024. The Perinatal Information System (SIP) is an evidence-based system of clinical records and priorities for care, developed by professionals in the region. It is a standard perinatal clinical record and integrates PAHO's toolkit to improve the quality of care for women's health, sexual and reproductive health and newborn health.
SIP Coordinator Giselle Tomasso said, ‘SIP Plus has multiple benefits. It is a guide for health professionals because it has all the steps to follow in the consultation and automatic alerts that call the professional's attention when there is something to consider. In addition, it is designed and updated according to the latest PAHO recommendations. All this has an impact on the quality of care patients receive’.
In addition, Tomasso stressed that SIP Plus is an important management and decision-making tool. ‘It allows, in real time, and through a single click, to obtain information on indicators and situation analysis such as epidemiological trends or implemented practices, for example, the number of caesarean sections performed’. The SIP coordinator also referred to social indicators, which make it possible to identify the most vulnerable populations and possible gaps in the quality of care and thus direct more accurate policies towards these groups.
The director of the Latin American Centre for Perinatology - Women's and Reproductive Health (CLP/WR), Suzanne Serruya, emphasised that it is a free system that has the support and backing, also free of charge, of CLP/WR. ‘The SIP is constantly evolving, adapting to the needs of each country and allowing interoperability with other information systems,’ she said.
Free course on the use of SIP Plus
Recently, PAHO's Public Health Virtual Campus launched a course on the use of the SIP Plus.
Regarding this training Serruya expressed that ‘It allows us to improve and enhance the use of the SIP to get the most out of this tool, but it is also a good instrument for those who have not yet adopted it to see the enormous advantages of the system.
The course, which is free of charge, is aimed at health professionals and is currently available in Spanish (soon available in English and Portuguese).
Access the podcast about sip plus (only in Spanish)