Peru articulates efforts to strengthen family planning capacities


Montevideo, August 4, 2021 (CLAP/PAHO)-  As part of the activities held to commemorate the International Day of Family Planning on August 3, the Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA) organized the teletraining “Articulating efforts for capacity building in Family Planning”. Representatives from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and PAHO presented the actions of both organizations to strengthen capacities in family planning in that Peru. 

After the welcoming words by Dr. Ángel González, General Director of the Directorate of Strategic Public Health Interventions of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), Dr Guillermo Antecio La Rosa, the Executive Director of the Directorate of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Directorate of Strategic Interventions in Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Peru, presented the current situation of family planning in the country. He was followed by Dr. Virginia Camacho, UNFPA’s Regional Advisor on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Latin America and the Caribbean, who discussed the work UNFPA will undertake to strengthen capacities in Peru.

Finally, Dr. Rodolfo Ponce de León, PAHO's Regional Advisor on Sexual and Reproductive Health, presented the contents of the family planning and ICPOE courses developed by CLAP and hosted on PAHO's Public Health Virtual Campus.

Access to the record (available in Spanish)