PAHO and INS of Peru identify national lines of health research 2024-2030

OPS e INS de Perú identificaron líneas nacionales de investigación en salud 2024-2030

PAHO continues to offer technical cooperation to develop and fulfill the different phases of Peru's national agenda of research priorities.

Last August, PAHO specialists, led by Dr. Hernán Rodríguez, OPS Peru, and Dr. Ludovic Reveiz, Regional Advisor for Science and Knowledge for Impact of the Health Evidence and Action Intelligence department, met with authorities and experts from the Peruvian National Institute of Health to initiate the second phase of the research agenda.

The process of identifying national lines of research in health 2024-2030 consists of four phases whose purposes are: 1. to determine the health problems in which R&D priorities will be identified; 2. to determine the strategic objectives to be achieved within each health problem by December 2030; 3. to identify the R&D needs in each strategic objective; and 4. to prioritize the R&D needs in each strategic objective.

“The first phase was previously developed, and this technical meeting focused on establishing the objectives of the second phase, that is, the determination of the strategic objectives to be achieved within each health problem. To this end, experts were convened for each health problem identified,” explained Reveiz.

In the first phase, 17 health problems were identified. These included: malnutrition and anemia due to deficiencies in the mother-child binomial during pregnancy; mental and nervous system diseases; access to comprehensive care in health services for vulnerable populations; malignant neoplasms; tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases; prevention, preparedness and response to outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics; vaccination and immunization.

The scope of the strategic objectives for each of the health problems were discussed in detail, and 3 to 5 lines of research were identified for each. “For the next phase, the experts will identify the Research and Development (R&D) needs for each strategic objective,” said Reveiz.